Prof. Eli Biham – Head of the Center
Faculty of Computer Sceince
email: biham@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~biham/
Research Interests:
Cryptology and Cryptanalysis, Symmetric Cryptography, Quantum Cryptography and QuantumComputation.

Prof. Carmel Domshlak
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
email: dcarmel@ie.technion.ac.ilWebsite: ie.technion.ac.il/~dcarmel/
My primary research interest is in Artificial Intelligence (AI) computational and modeling problems, with an
emphasis on interesting structure/complexity connections that can be found in different tasks of automated
reasoning such as domain-independent planning, multi-agent system design, and user-centric information systems (via
preferential reasoning). The recent focus of my work has been on heuristic-search planning, Monte-Carlo techniques
for online planning in complex environments, planning for fault tolerance, and parametric complexity of various
fragments of planning tasks. I am also getting more and more interested in foundations of planning for multi-agent
systems. Tangentially, I am also interested in problems that lie on the boundary between computer science and
social choice, e.g., various settins of rank aggregation, voting, recommendation, etc. (Disclaimer: my "research
focus" appears to be quite a moving target as there are simply too many interesting questions ...)

Prof. Alejandro Cohen
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: alecohen@technion.ac.ilWebsite: //sites.google.com/view/alejandrocohen/
Research Areas: Information theory, signal processing, and networks. In particular, post-quantum cryptography, information theory security, information processing, and security in advanced data acquisition systems.

Prof. Alexander Bronstein
Faculty of Computer Science
email: bron@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: bron.cs.technion.ac.il
Research Interests: Computer Vision, 3D Vision and Shape Analysis' Image and Signal Processing, Computational Imaging, Machine Learning, Large-scale Data Analysis

Prof. Ariel Orda
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: ariel@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/ArielOrda/
Research Interests:
Computer Communication Networks, QoS Support in Broadband Networks Routing, Applications of Game Theory to Computer
Networking, Internet Pricing, Distributed and On-Line Network Algorithms.

Prof. Assaf Schuster
Faculty of Computer Science
email: assaf@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: cs.technion.ac.il/~assaf/
Research Interests:
Parallel and Distributed Computing; Peer-to-Pear Computing Large ScaleData Mining; Scalable Model Checking; High-Performance ComputerArchitecture; Shared Memory Consistency Models; Java Memory Model; FaultTolerance; Distribute Shared Memory; Non-Stop Systems.

Prof. Avi Mendelson
Faculty of Computer Science and Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: avi.mendelson@tce.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~mendlson/
Research Interests: Operating systems, Computer architecture, HPC computers, cloud
computing/computers and low power computers.

Prof. Avigdor Gal
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
email: avigal@ie.technion.ac.ilWebsite: ie.technion.ac.il/~avigal
My main area of research can be broadly categorized as that of Data Integration. In my early career I have focused
on various aspects of data semantics in cooperative information systems, including transaction management in a Web
environment and schema matching. Since 2008, I have investigated aspects of uncertainty in data integration. The
recent wave of big data ?ts well with my research agenda, which focuses on aspects of veracity in data integration
(or simply put Big Data Integration).

Prof. Avinoam Kolodny
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: kolodny@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: kolodny.eew.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
CAD of Electronic Systems, VLSI System and Circuit Design.

Prof. Benny Kimelfeld
Faculty of Computer Science
email: bennyk@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: benny.net.technion.ac.il
Research Interests:
Database systems and theory, information extraction, information retrieval, data mining, probabilistic and inconsistent databases

Prof. Dan Tsafrir
Faculty of Computer Science
email: dan@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~dan/
Research Interests:
System software, operating systems, virtualization, system security, storage, hardware-software interfaces, performance evaluation

Prof. Dana Drachsler-Cohen
The Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: ddana@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: ddana.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Areas: Reliability and safety of software, including deep learning, computer networks, and smart contracts for blockchain frameworks.
Research Interests: formal verification, program analysis and synthesis, programming languages, specification mining

Prof. Daniel Weihs
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
email: dweihs@tx.technion.ac.ilWebsite: aerospace.technion.ac.il/person/weihs-daniel/
Research Interests:
Aerodynamics, biofluid mechanics, hydrodynamics, autonomous robotics, space research

Prof. Daniel Zelazo
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
email: dzelazo@technion.ac.ilWebsite: zelazo.net.technion.ac.il/
Control Theory, multi-agent systems, networked systems, graph theory

Prof. Danny Raz
Faculty of Computer Science
email: danny@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~danny
Research Interests:
Theory and applications of management related problems in IP networks.Active Networks, network location problems, theory of networkmanagement, QoS routing, wireless networks, and other optimization problems.

Prof. Ehud Rivlin
Faculty of Computer Science
email: ehudr@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~ehudr/
Research Interests:
Robot Vision; Robot Navigation; Motion Planning; Visual Servoing; Active Vision; Object Recognition; Artificial Intelligence; Image Understanding, Image Processing; Image Databases.

Prof. Eitan Yaakobi
Faculty of Computer Science
email: yaakobi@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: yaakobi.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Information and coding theory with applications to non-volatile memories, associative memories, data storage and retrieval, and voting theory.

Prof. Eli Ben-Sasson
Faculty of Computer Science
email: eli@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.eecs.harvard.edu/~eli/
Research Interests: Computational Complexity; Proof Complexity; Analysis of SAT solvers; Sub-linear time algorithms for Proof Checking
and Error Correcting Codes.

Prof. Eran Yahav
Faculty of Computer Science
email: yahave@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~yahave/
Research Interests:
Program synthesis, machine learning and information-retrieval techniques for PL, Program analysis, abstract interpretation, verification, Programming Languages, software engineering

Prof. Erez Petrank
Faculty of Computer Science
email: erez@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~erez/
Research Interests:
concurrent computing, programming languages, and systems (mostly on memory management), parallelism, cryptography, data structures, approximation algorithms, and distributed computing.

Prof. Eyal Kushilevitz
Faculty of Computer Science
email: eyalk@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~eyalk/
Research Interests: Cryptography and Privacy; Machine learning; Computational complexity and Communication complexity; Randomized
distributed protocols.

Prof. Hagit Attiya
Faculty of Computer Science
email: hagit@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: hagit.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests: Distributed computation and theoretical computer science; in particular:Fault-tolerance; Timing-based and asynchronous algorithms.

Prof. Idit Keidar
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: idish@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/idish/
Research Interests:
Distributed algorithms and systems, Fault-tolerance and survivability of distributed systems Application-level
multicast, Replication and coordination in distributed systems, Distributed algorithms for dynamic environments.

Prof. Isaac Keslassy
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: isaac@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/~isaac/
Research Interests:
Computer networks. Design and analysis of switches and routers. Data centers.

Prof. Israel Cidon
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: cidon@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: cidon.eew.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
High speed and converged network architectures, Wireless mobile network architectures, Network control protocols,
Network QoS, Network on Chip (NOC), Distributed system architectures.

Prof. Ittay Eyal
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: ittay@technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/ittay/
Research Interests:
Security and scalability of distributed systems, in particular blockchain protocols and trusted execution environments. I have previously worked on distributed storage algorithms and data aggregation in sensor networks.

Prof. Jack Haddad
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
email: jh@technion.ac.ilWebsite: haddad.net.technion.ac.il
Research Interests: Traffic flow theory, Traffic control, Control theory, Optimal control, Model Predictive
Control, Traffic flow simulations, Hybrid systems, Large-scale transportation networks

Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel
Faculty of Computer Science
email: ckeren@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: ckeren.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests: Distributed Computing, especially Probabilistic Algorithms and Lower Bounds, and Theory of Comp

Prof. Kfir Yehuda Levy
The Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Website: kfiryehud.wixsite.com/kfir-y-levyResearch Areas: Machine Learning
Research Interests: Large-scale problems, Statistical and online learning, Stochastic optimization, Systems and Control

Prof. Koby Crammer
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: koby@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/koby/index.html
Research Interests:
Online learning, Statistical Learning Theory, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Natural Language

Prof. Liron Yedidsion
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
email: lirony@ie.technion.ac.ilWebsite: web.iem.technion.ac.il/en/people/userprofile/lirony.html
Research Interests:Computational complexity , NP-hard problems , Approximation algorithms , Discrete optimization
Scheduling , Multiobjective optimization , Robust scheduling , Optimization of mean reverting price processes

Prof. Mark Silberstein
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: mark@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: sites.google.com/site/silbersteinmark/Home
Research Interests:
Systems, high throughput processors (GPUs), operating systems, parallel computing, distributed storage, hardware

Prof. Michael Lindenbaum
Faculty of Computer Science
email: mic@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~mic/
Research Interests: Image processing and Computer Vision, especially the statistical analysis of visual tasks.

Prof. Moshe Idan
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
email: moshe.idan@technion.ac.ilWebsite: mosheidan.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Estimation and Control of Systems with Non Gaussian Noises Innovative Future Air Traffic Control Concepts Robust and Adaptive Flight Control Systems and Applications Integrated Missile Guidance and Control

Prof. Moshe Nazarathy
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: nazarat@ee.technion.ac.ilResearch Interests:
Optical Communication – Advanced optical modulation formats and equalization techniques, MIMO techniques over
multimode optical interconnects; Translucent optical networks, links and devices controlling light with light -
Optical Computing; Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Communication and Quantum Computing; Integrated, Fiber
and Wavepacket Optics, GPS satellite navigation systems

Prof. Moshe Tennenholtz
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
email: moshet@ie.technion.ac.ilWebsite: web.iem.technion.ac.il/en/people/userprofile/Moshet.html
Research Interests: Protocols for non-cooperative environments , Learning in non-cooperative environments , Non,
Cooperative Computation , Program Equilibrium and Learning Equilibrium , The power of mediators
Ranking, Trust, and Reputation Systems , Advertising Mechanisms , The Agent Perspective in Game Theory , Artificial
social Systems , Social Contexts in Multi-Agent Systems

Prof. Nahum Shimkin
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: shimkin@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/shimkin/
Research Areas:
Computer Networks,Learning Systems,Stochastic Processes and their Applications,Systems and Control.
Research Interests:
Stochastic control, Dynamic games, Communication networks analysis and control, Learning processes.

Prof. Neri Merhav
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: merhav@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/merhav/
Research Interests:
Information theory and statistical communications.

Prof. Nir Ailon
Faculty of Computer Science
email: nailon@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: nailon.googlepages.com/
Research Interests: Algorithms for analysis of large datasets, Fast dimension reduction techniques, Combinatorial optimization algorithms, Clustering, Ranking, Social Choice and Machine Learning.

Prof. Oded Shmueli
Faculty of Computer Science
email: oshmu@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~oshmu
Research Interests: Database Systems: Theoretical aspects of query processing in relational databases, XML databases and logic based databases (Datalog); System issues: Physical storage, concurrency control, recovery, replication and distribution; Querying the WWW; Electronic Commerce; Automated Negotiation.

Prof. Oren Kurland
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
email: kurland@ie.technion.ac.ilWebsite: ie.technion.ac.il/~kurland/
Research interests: Information retrieval, formal and empirical models

Prof. Ori Rottenstreich
Faculty of Computer Sceince and Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: or@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: https://sites.google.com/view/orirottenstreich/home
Computer networks, theory and algorithms for networks, hash based data structures, Blockchain technology.

Prof. Orna Grumberg
Faculty of Computer Science
email: orna@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~orna/
Research Interests: Computer-aided verification of software and hardware; Model checking; formal verification; Temporal logics;
Research Interests:
Modularity; Abstraction; Distributed model checking, SAT-based model checking, games, 3-valued logics.

Prof. Orr Dunkelman
Haifa University - Computer Science Department
email: orrd@cs.haifa.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.haifa.ac.il/~orrd/
Research Interests:
Cryptanalysis of symmetric key primitives
Cryptanalytic methods
Design methodologies for symmetric key cryptography
Privacy in the digital world
Computer Security

Prof. Pini Gurfil
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
email: pgurfil@technion.ac.ilWebsite: pgurfil.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Astrodynamics, Satellite Dynamics, Distributed Space Systems, and Vision-Aided Navigation

Prof. Ran El-Yaniv
Faculty of Computer Science
email: rani@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~rani/
Research Interests: Machine learning and data mining, Online algorithms and competitive analysis, Computational finance

Prof. Ran Ginosar
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: ran@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/ran/
Research Interests:
Parallel computing in VLSI, Asynchronous VLSI, Networks on chip.

Prof. Raphael Rom
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: rom@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/rom/hp.html
Research Interests:
Design and control of heterogeneous computer networks, Design and control of local wireless networks, Design and
analysis of network protocols, Scheduling and QoS methods, Wireless communication networks, High speed
communication networks.

Prof. Reuven Cohen
Faculty of Computer Science
email: rcohen@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~rcohen/
Research Interests: Architectures and protocols for computer networks: the Internet, wireless networks, cellular networks, broadband
access networks, sensor networks,routing protocols, multicast, MAC protocols, and Transport protocols.

Prof. Robert Adler
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: robert@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: robert.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Random fields, Gaussian processes, stochastic geometry, and applications to statistical problems in fMRI imaging.

Prof. Ron Kimmel
Faculty of Computer Science
email: ron@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~ron/
Research Interests: Image processing, Computer vision, Medical image analysis, Computer graphics, Differential geometry, Scientific

Prof. Ronen Talmon
Andrew and Erna Faculty Of Electrical Engineering
email: ronen@ee.technionr.ac.ilWebsite: ronen.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests: Nonlinear signal processing, Signal and data analysis and modelling, Geometry and manifold learning, Diffusion geometry, Applied harmonic analysis, Biomedical signal processing,Anomaly and target detection, Speech and audio processing.

Prof. Roy Friedman
Faculty of Computer Science
email: roy@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~roy/
Research Interests: Distributed Systems; Group Communication; Middleware; Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks; High-Availability and Fault-
Tolerance;Clustering; Scalable Dynamic (P2P) Systems.

Prof. Roy Schwartz
Faculty of Computer Science
email: schwartz@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: schwartz.cswp.cs.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests: Design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, the geometry of metric
Research Interests:
spaces and its applications, submodular optimization, and randomized algorithms.

Prof. Seffi Naor
Faculty of Computer Science
email: naor@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~naor/
Research Interests:Theory of algorithms and applications; Randomness andcomputation. Specific: Approximation and on-line
algorithms;Combinatorial optimization; Randomized algorithms; Communicationnetworks; Parallel computation.

Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: shahar@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/skva/
Research Interests: Circuit design ,Computer architecture, Power distribution networks, VLSI systems, Chip
Multiprocessor (CMP), Multithreading, Energy efficiency in computers, Memory, especially emerging non-volatile
memory technologies (STT-MRAM, PCM, RRAM, Memristors, 3D Xpoint, CBRAM, etc.), Hardware security, Neuromorphic

Prof. Shaul Markovitch
Faculty of Computer Science
email: shaulm@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~shaulm/
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Multi-agent systems; Game playing; Opponent modeling; Search; Speedup Learning.

Prof. Shay Kutten
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
email: kutten@ie technion ac ilWebsite: web.iem.technion.ac.il/en/people/userprofile/kutten.html
Research Interests: Distributed algorithms, network algorithms, communication networks, distributed systems, fault tolerance,
distributed data protection.

Prof. Shie Mannor
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: shie@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: shie.webee.eedev.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Machine learning: theory, algorithms and applications; reinforcement learning and Markov decision processes;
learning, optimization, and decision-making under uncertainty; stochastic and dynamic games; learning in multi-
agent systems; high-dimensional phenomena.

Prof. Shmuel Katz
Faculty of Computer Science
email: katz@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~katz/
Research Interests: Program verification; Formal specification methods; Aspect-oriented software development; Distributed systems;
Programming methodology; Temporal logic; Partial orders; Programming languages; Software engineering.

Prof. Tal Mor
Faculty of Computer Science
email: talmo@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~talmo/
Research Interests: Theoretical Quantum Information Processing (Computing, Cryptography, Information, Communication); Implementation
(Hardware) of Quantum Information Processing; Modern Cryptology.

Prof. Tamir Hazan
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management
email: tamir.hazan@ie.technion.ac.ilWebsite: web.iem.technion.ac.il/en/cb-profile/1040-tamir-hazan.html
Research interests: Our research interests involve the theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning. Our research focuses on mathematically founded solutions to modern real life problems that demonstrate non-traditional statistical behavior. Recent examples are perturbation models that allow efficient learning of high dimensional statistics, deep learning of infinite networks and primal-dual optimization for high-dimensional inference problem. The practice of our work is motivated by many computer vision problems, as well as computational biology and language processing.

Prof. Tuvi Etzion
Faculty of Computer Sceince
email: etzion@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: etzion.net.technion.ac.il
Research Interests: Network coding, coding theory, distributed storage, digital sequences

Prof. Uri Weiser
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: uri.weiser@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/weiser/
Research Interests:
Computer architecture, Memory subsystem, CMP Cache architectures, MultiCore vs Multithread architectures, Computer
System traffic analysis

Prof. Vadim Indelman
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
email: vadim.indelman@technion.ac.ilWebsite: vindelman.net.technion.ac.il/vadim-indelman/
My research broadly lies at the intersection of probabilistic perception, state estimation and planning, both for single and distributed multi-agent autonomous systems. I am interested in enabling a reliable, accurate and on-line operation in complex scenarios, particularly focusing on operation in uncertain, partially unknown and dynamic environments. Accordingly, my research interests include autonomous navigation and mapping, consistent distributed information fusion, belief-space planning and active sensing, distributed robust perception, inference with probabilistic graphical models, vision-aided navigation (VAN) and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)

Prof. Yael Yaniv
Biomedical Engineering
email: yaely@bm.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.bm.technion.ac.il/~yaely
Research Interest: Atrial activity, Bioenergetics, Calcium signaling, Cardiac electrophysiology, Cell Biophysics, Heart rate
variability analysis, Mathematical modeling of the biochemical and bioenergetics signaling in the heart,
Mechanical interaction of the mitochondria and the cytoskeleton, Mobile health devices, Posttranslational modification signaling, Prediction and detection of atrial fibrillation, Sinoatrial node cell

Prof. Yakir Vizel
Faculty of Computer Science
email: yvizel@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~yvizel/
Research Interest: Formal verification of hardware and software systems; Model Checking; SAT/SMT solving; Abstraction techniques; Security Verification; Hardware-Software Co-Verification; Machine learning for verification.

Prof. Yehoshua Zeevi
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: zeevi@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: webee.technion.ac.il/people/zeevi/
Research Interests:
Image coding for visual communications, Group theoretic approach to image representation, Intelligent sensors for
visual communications, Image enhancement by superesolution techniques.

Prof. Yitzhak Birk
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: birk@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: birk.net.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Hierarchical storage, architectures for multimedia, information servers, Multimedia-and information-system
architectures, Satellite communication networks, Judicious exploitation of redundancy for performance enhancement.

Prof. Yoav Etsion
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
email: yoav.etsion@tce.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~yetsion/
Research Interests:
Computer Architecture, Computer Systems and Parallel Processing, HW/SW Interoperability, Operating Systems,
Parallel Programming Models, High-Performance Computing.

Prof. Yoram Moses
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: moses@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: moses.eew.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Distributed and multi-agent systems, The theory of knowledge in a distributed environment, Theoretical computer
science, Algorithms, Formal methods,

Prof. Yossi Gil
Faculty of Computer Science
email: yogi@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: cs.technion.ac.il/people/yogi/
Research Interests: Software engineering, in particular: aspects related to the object-oriented paradigm, programming languages and

Prof. Yuval Cassuto
Andrew and Erna Faculty of Electrical Engineering
email: ycassuto@ee.technion.ac.ilWebsite: ycassuto.eew.technion.ac.il/
Research Interests:
Information Processing in Fault-Prone Computer Systems: In particular, Codes for Novel Storage Technologies,
Storage Architectures and Systems, Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Codes for Networks

Prof. Yuval Filmus
Faculty of Computer Science
email: yuvalfi@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.toronto.edu/~yuvalf/
Researcch Interests: Computational complexity, Proof complexity, Analysis of Boolean Functions, Combinatorics

Prof. Yuval Ishai
Faculty of Computer Science
email: yuvali@cs.technion.ac.ilWebsite: www.cs.technion.ac.il/~yuvali/
Research Interests: Cryptography, Complexity theory.