Alon Berkenstadt
MSc Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Avi Mizrachi
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Ben Perach
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Chaim Baskin
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Guy Goren
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Itay Tsabary
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Meni Orenbach
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Michael Mirkin
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Moran Davoodi
MSc Student - Biomedical Engineering
Roi Bar Zur
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Tal Rosen
MSc Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Past Students

Alex Menuskin
MSc Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Ashraf Yassin
MSc Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Bat- Chen Rothenberg
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Ester Livshits
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Gautam Pai
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science
Hadar Frenkel
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Liat Peterfreund
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Marina Minkin
MSc Student - Faculty of Computer Science
Marina Minkin
MSc Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Matan Sela
PhD Student - Faculty of Computer Science
Oded Naor
PhD Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Shunit Agmon
MSc Student - Faculty of Computer Science

Yael Doweck
MSc Student - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Yuval Ron
MSc Student - Faculty of Computer Science